Surgical Dermatology
Surgical dermatology is a specialized branch of dermatology that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of skin conditions such as benign and malignant skin growths, skin cancers, cysts, moles, and other skin abnormalities.
Skin Cancer Surgery
Excision is a common and effective surgical procedure used in the treatment of skin cancer, including basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and malignant melanoma. The goal of excision is to completely remove the cancerous tissue along with a margin of healthy surrounding skin to ensure that no cancer cells are left behind.
Surgical excision is performed as an out-patient procedure right in our office. During the excision procedure, the medical professional typically administers local anesthesia to numb the area, ensuring the patient's comfort. She then carefully removes the visible tumor along with a small, predetermined margin of normal tissue. The excised tissue is sent to a laboratory for pathological examination to confirm whether the margins are clear of cancer cells. Following excision, the wound is usually closed with stitches which remain in place for approximately one week. The excision aims to not only treat the cancer but also to achieve the best possible cosmetic and functional outcome.
Excision is an established and successful method for treating skin cancer, offering a high likelihood of complete removal and minimizing the risk of recurrence. If you are facing skin cancer and excision is recommended, we will provide detailed information about the procedure, potential risks, and expected outcomes.
Benign Skin Surgery
Surgery for benign skin lesions is a common and straightforward procedure performed to remove non-cancerous growths or abnormalities on the skin. Benign lesions can include moles, cysts, lipomas, skin tags, and various other growths that are generally harmless but may be removed for cosmetic reasons, discomfort, or to rule out any potential concerns.
The surgical removal of benign skin lesions is performed as an outpatient procedure. The process involves local anesthesia to numb the area around the lesion, ensuring the patient's comfort during the surgery. She then carefully excises or removes the lesion along with a small margin of surrounding normal tissue, depending on the nature and size of the growth. The excised tissue is usually sent to a pathology laboratory for examination to confirm the benign nature of the lesion and to rule out any unexpected findings. The wound is then closed with stitches which remain in place for approximately one week. Recovery after surgery for benign skin lesions is generally quick, and patients are often able to resume their regular activities shortly after the procedure.
The decision to remove a benign skin lesion is often based on factors such as the type of lesion, its location, and the patient's preferences. While the surgery for benign lesions is typically considered low-risk, it is important for individuals to consult with a medical professional at Foothills Dermatology for a proper evaluation of the lesion and to discuss the most appropriate treatment options.