Botox® Neuromodulator
Your facial expressions identify your feelings, but over time, those same facial expressions may leave behind unwanted lines and wrinkles. At Foothills Dermatology Dr. Kathy Orlick expertly performs Botox® Cosmetic treatments in Tucson to help women and men who visit from Sierra Vista, Green Valley, Sahuarita, and other nearby communities look younger and naturally refreshed.
How Botox® Works
Over time, repeated contractions of facial muscles during smiling, squinting, frowning and other natural expressions cause “dynamic wrinkles” to form. The active ingredient in Botox Cosmetic, a purified protein called onabotulinumtoxinA, causes treated facial muscles to gradually relax, allowing the skin to smooth out.
These popular treatments provide effective facial rejuvenation by softening dynamic wrinkles such as:
Horizontal forehead lines
Crow’s feet around the outer corners of the eyes
Vertical lines between the eyebrows
We offer BOTOX on its own or in conjunction with other skin refreshing treatments such as injectable fillers like JUVÉDERM®.
While it’s easy to find BOTOX providers in Tucson, it’s important to choose carefully to ensure your safety and results. We are a medical practice dedicated to the overall health and well-being of our patients. Choosing Foothills Dermatology helps to ensure that you will be comfortable during and after treatment. The injections take only minutes to perform and there is no downtime. During the procedure, you may experience a slight pinch at the injection location or no discomfort at all. A topical anesthetic is available to minimize discomfort. You can return to daily activities right away.
How Much Do Botox Treatments Cost?
The cost for Botox in the Tucson, Arizona area ranges from about $300 to $500 per treatment, which is pretty close to the national average. Botox is usually priced either per unit or by the area being treated, such as between the eyes. As with virtually all cosmetic procedures, the cost of Botox depends on multiple factors. Those include your region, the training and experience of the injector, and the number of areas you want treated.
Which Is Better, Botox or Dermal Filler Treatments?
While both are injectable facial rejuvenation treatments, Botox and fillers work in different ways and treat different concerns. Differences include:
Botox smooths away lines and creases caused by repeated muscle contractions. Improvements develop gradually within a few days of injection.
Dermal fillers add and replace volume under the skin to correct tear troughs and other hollows around the eyes, flattened cheeks, nasolabial folds and marionette lines around the mouth, and other concerns. Fillers are also great for sculpting the lips, nose, and chin.
We often use a combination of Botox and fillers to rejuvenate and enhance the entire face.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do Botox results compare with those of other skin rejuvenation procedures?
Botox Cosmetic treats lines and wrinkles caused by repeated facial muscle movement. Other types of wrinkles, particularly those on the mid to lower face, are often treated with dermal fillers or fat transfer. Other wrinkle treatment options include microdermabrasion, fractional CO2 laser treatments, and IPL Photofacials. To treat more advanced wrinkling and sagging skin, your doctor may recommend a facelift.
How long will my Botox results last?
Botox Cosmetic results typically last 3 to 5 months before a touch-up treatment is necessary. The duration of results depends on the location of the muscles, individual variation, and the extent of treatment. Patients who return for regular touch-up treatments can maintain their improvements.
Will my face still be expressive after Botox?
Yes, people will still be able to tell when you are happy, sad, or worried by looking at your face. One of the concerns people considering Botox injections frequently have is that their faces won’t communicate their emotions. That “frozen” appearance is often the result of injectors who don’t have adequate training or experience in the injection, which requires precision to get the results patients desire. That’s why it’s important to choose experienced, certified specialists who aim for subtle, natural-looking results.
Am I too young for Botox?
There is no specific age when it is best to start getting these injections. Women and men concerned about forehead wrinkles and worry lines often turn to the product in their 30s as a preventive measure. It remains an effective treatment for most people through their 50s, but it’s less effective for patients whose wrinkles are caused by skin that has lost much of its elasticity, which is common later in life.